Golf Injuries and Prevention

Golf Injuries & Prevention

The time of year has come when we are beginning to think about playing golf in again. After a long cold snowy winter; when even the most hardy all weather golfer would have found it difficult to play, the days are getting longer and warmer and we are eager to get on the course. To ensure a successful season of golf we need to make sure we are golf ready.  Not only should we be spending time on the range or with our local golf professional but also preparing our bodies for golf to avoid potential injuries. At BodyWorks we can help with not only injury treatment but also injury prevention.

Golf injury facts

  • The most common golf injuries amongst amateur golfers is lower back pain, mid back pain, followed by elbow and wrist injuries.
  • Most golf injuries are overuse injuries.
  • Injury prevalence can increase as your handicap improves.
  • Poor technique is a major contributor to golf injuries.
  • Most injuries occur when impacting the golf ball.
  • Most golf injuries take on average 5 weeks to recover.
  • The chance of injury significanlty increases when hitting 200 balls per week or more than 4 rounds a week.
  • Golfers with low back pain should be discouraged from carrying clubs.
  • Warming up for 10 minutes before a round of golf can reduce the risk of injury.

Injuries generally occur as a result of both poor technique, poor flexibility and strength. Your local golf professional can help with technique and equipment. Here at BodyWorks we can treat injuries and also prevent the cause of potential injuries by assessing joint range of movement, muscle flexibility and strength as well as posture and then prescribing specific exercises for stretching and strengthening of muscles.

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